Real Estate

Mortgage Lender
44% of Realtors reported a decline in inventory that affected their bottom line.
The real estate market was one of the hardest hit industries during the pandemic and many real estate agents and Realtors saw their primary source of income evaporate almost instantly.
Sellers took their listings off the market
Tenants stopped paying rent
Engineers had to close down projects
Access to financing became harder for buyers

If your business was hurt by the pandemic, we can help get you the money you deserve. 


There’s hope for real estate agents like you - It’s called the FFCRA, and it’s designed to help the self-employed recoup lost wages caused by COVID-19. 

But who’s got time to redo their taxes? You’re a Realtor; you’ve got to focus on keeping your buyers and sellers happy and might feel like you don’t have time to worry about yourself.

We get it. That’s where we come in.


We’ve created the first-ever platform designed to get you the federal relief you deserve. It’s called Adesso360.

Built by CPAs and tax experts, Adesso360 has created a streamlined process that does one thing: get independent workers like you the FFCRA relief you’re entitled to.

It’s simple, fast, and effective.

Adesso360 Client Success Stories

Everyone was so nervous to go into someone else’s house that it made the whole process of buying or selling a home next-to impossible. Even virtual tours only helped so much; it was really hard to keep my business going and I had to rely on savings just to keep things going. I thought I’d be out of options forever since it felt like the government only worried about the big businesses staying afloat and no one cared about the little guys like me. It’s why I’m so thankful Adesso360 came out! Finding a tool that was created just for truly small businesses like mine was such a relief. I used Adesso360 to get back $8,900 in tax credits from the IRS and now can focus on what matters: finding my clients the best deal possible!”
Sam F
You wouldn’t believe how fast open houses dried up once the COVID lockdowns happened. It was terrifying! I thought things would never get back on track and was seriously worried about how I’d pay my bills. On a whim, I tried Adesso360’s qualification quiz and found out I was owed so much money from the IRS! Adesso helped me get back over $12,500 from the IRS which helped me pay off debt I got during COVID. I am so grateful, thank you Adesso!”
Jamie S