Professional Services

Data Analyst
Interior Designer
Graphic Designer
27% of Professional Service entrepreneurs lost income because of COVID-19 lockdowns. 
Did your clients stop using your services because COVID was impacting their bottom line? In an industry like professional services, it’s hard not to feel the impact the pandemic caused small businesses around the US. 
HandymeAccountants saw their clients’ businesses closen couldn’t enter homes
Consultants lost clients because of budget cuts
Engineers had to close down projects
Lawyers couldn’t go into courtrooms
Architects couldn’t get permits and plans approved

If your business was hurt by the pandemic, we can help get you the money you deserve. 


There’s hope for independent professionals like you - It’s called the FFCRA, and it’s designed to help the self-employed recoup lost wages caused by COVID-19. 

But who’s got time to redo their taxes? You’re a service professional; you’ve got to focus on keeping your clients going and don’t have time to deal with complicated tax stuff.

We get it. That’s where we come in.


We’ve created the first-ever platform designed to get you the federal relief you deserve. It’s called Adesso360.

Built by CPAs and tax experts, Adesso360 has created a streamlined process that does one thing: get independent workers like you the FFCRA relief you’re entitled to.

It’s simple, fast, and effective.

Adesso360 Client Success Stories

I’m a social media strategist that focuses on e-commerce. For the first couple of months in 2020, business was booming thanks to everyone getting locked down, it was crazy! But then the shopping fatigue kicked in. Suddenly online businesses weren’t earning as much, and costs needed to get cut to keep the lights on. Unfortunately, that meant many of my clients had to cut back on services like mine, and I had brands that needed to pause or end their contracts which meant I had to scramble to make ends meet. I got through it, but my business hasn’t been the same since. I found Adesso360 and gave it a shot, even though I wasn’t sure if a business like mine would qualify. It turns out I did! Adesso360 helped me get $5,400 back in FFCRA funds which was a huge help!!!! I was able to get rid of that last COVID-related debt and focus on getting my business back on track.”"
Carmen T
I’m an accountant so I knew about the FFCRA but just didn’t have the time to do it myself. I was more focused on getting my clients the federal funds they needed to keep their own businesses afloat and just felt like I could worry about my own stuff later on. A CPA friend actually told me about Adesso360 and how easy it was to get their COVID tax credits so I decided to give it a shot, and wow! It drastically cut the time I would’ve needed to spend if I DIY’d it, and I was really impressed by how thorough a job they did. Now I’ve got my FFCRA funds in my bank account without needing to lift a finger.”
Angela A
My fitness coaching business took a hit during COVID because my clients couldn’t get to a gym and I needed time to switch to an online style of coaching. Toss in having to take care of my kids while their schools were shut down and it was just a stressful mess. Luckily, I was able to recover but I’m not going to lie, there were a few months that it was looking pretty scary. I used Adesso360 to help me recoup the income I lost and am so grateful something like this exists. I’m not a techy person, so I was scared it’d be overwhelming, but it was really easy! Adesso360 helped me get the money I needed, thanks!”
Bianca M