Manufacturing & Retail

Etsy Seller
Small Batch Maker
Online Merchant
Ebay Seller
30% of US retail traffic has dropped off post-COVID. How is your e-commerce business handling the change?
E-commerce and retail had a moment early in the pandemic, but once the layoffs happened, buying non-essential took a nosedive. Unfortunately, the retail sector is still recovering to this day, so it’s no surprise e-commerce sellers are struggling now.
E-commerce sites lost traffic
Inventory stopped moving and began to cost more to store
Manufacturing facilities closed
Manufacturing plant workers were exposed to unsafe working conditions

If your business was hurt by the pandemic, we can help get you the money you deserve. 


There’s hope for retail entrepreneurs like you - It’s called the FFCRA, and it’s designed to help the self-employed recoup lost wages caused by COVID-19. 

But you’re trying to get your business back to pre-COVID levels, who has time to dig through their old tax returns just to have to deal with confusing, complex tax rules?

We get it. That’s where we come in.


We’ve created the first-ever platform designed to get you the federal relief you deserve. It’s called Adesso360.

Built by CPAs and tax experts, Adesso360 has created a streamlined process that does one thing: get independent workers like you the FFCRA relief you’re entitled to.

It’s simple, fast, and effective.

Adesso360 Client Success Stories

I’m an eBay seller and in the beginning of COVID, business was great! But then people stopped buying anything besides toilet paper and hand sanitizer, no one needed cool vintage jewelry then. Unfortunately, that meant my income dropped almost immediately in May 2020. To be honest, things still aren’t the same but I’m doing better thanks to Adesso360 getting me my FFCRA refund. Now I can pay off debt and keep my business going."
Crystin V
My shop is definitely mom-and-pop so it’s all on me and my husband to keep it running. We lost a lot of money during the pandemic and times were tough. To be honest, we weren’t sure we were going to make it. I didn’t think the FFCRA would help, but found Adesso360 so gave it a shot. I am SO GLAD I did! We’re still open now and it’s much less scary because we’ve been able to rebuild our nest egg thanks to Adesso’s help.”
Sam F