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1.3 million independent healthcare workers lost income due to COVID-19 restrictions.
Despite the industry being essential during the pandemic, millions of self-employed healthcare workers couldn’t make ends meet.  
Nannies couldn’t go into clients’ homes
Physical therapists were unable to see their clients in person
Home health aides saw patients moved into hospitals, unable to use their services

If your income was hurt by the pandemic, we can help get you the money you deserve.


There’s hope for independent healthcare contractors like you - It’s called the FFCRA, and it’s designed to help the self-employed recoup lost wages caused by COVID-19. 

But who’s got time to redo their taxes? You’ve got to focus on earning an income and getting your clients the healthcare they need today, you don’t have time to worry about IRS paperwork.

We get it. That’s where we come in.


We’ve created the first-ever platform designed to get you the federal relief you deserve. It’s called Adesso360.

Built by CPAs and tax experts, Adesso360 has created a streamlined process that does one thing: get independent workers like you the FFCRA relief you’re entitled to.

It’s simple, fast, and effective.

Adesso360 Client Success Stories

I’m a physical therapist and my business saw the impact of COVID lockdowns immediately. Suddenly clients weren’t allowed to come to my office and were left to deal with their recoveries alone. It was a really dark time for my industry while we all worked to get our patients the help they needed. But I also struggled because the lockdowns destroyed my finances. So when I found out about the FFCRA, I knew it was time to get the money back I needed. I used Adesso360 and it couldn’t have been easier. I didn’t deal with complicated paperwork and didn’t worry about getting the numbers wrong, Adesso360 did it all for me. Thanks!
Thomas V.
My mental health practice took a hit because of COVID lockdowns and the costs for building a secure online practice were astronomical, but it had to be done. I used Adesso360 to help me recoup the income I lost and was able to get almost $15,000 back from the IRS”
Brian A